6 Nov 2011

Shared: tips on how to get beautiful nails

Good morning ladies...Here are tips on how to get beautiful nails.

Maintaining your nails by using naturally available products is something that’s easy to do at home. Ingredients such as orange juice, lemon, sugar, honey and beeswax are easily available and are great for your nails.

- Use lemon juice to remove the yellow color from the nails. Lemon lightens up the nails giving them a whiter look. Apply lemon juice evenly on the nails, several times in a day when you notice the color has turned yellow.

-Use orange juice and sugar to help promote the growth of the nails, strengthen it and promote cuticle growth. Soak your nails in a mixture of orange juice and sugar for ten to fifteen minutes at least two times in a week.

-Apply honey and beeswax to the nails to moisturize and protect them naturally.


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